Safety Talk With BJ
Safety Talk With BJ

Mental Health Trends in Construction
- Safety Director, BJ Wilkinson
Before transitioning into the construction industry, I spent many years in law enforcement. In that time, I had an employee who, on the surface, was exemplary in every way—fun, outgoing, professional, well-dressed, and articulate. Everyone inside and outside the organization loved him. Over time, however, I began to notice subtle changes in his personality as issues in his life surfaced. I’d ask how he was doing; he’d assure me everything was okay, and I’d move on.
Until the day I got a call saying he had gone home for lunch and was refusing to return to work. He wasn’t claiming to be physically ill but admitted he was struggling with family issues and was contemplating harming himself—and possibly
others—as a solution. When I arrived at his house to check on him, I saw he was partially undressed, holding a pistol in one hand, with a rifle lying on the floor beside him. I could hear his wife and small child crying in the same room, and I knew this situation could easily end in tragedy. Using every bit of verbal judo I had ever learned, I talked him into putting down the guns, getting into my car, and seeking professional help. He survived the episode and now lives happily with his family, in another profession, in Arizona.
I was shocked to learn how many people in the construction industry have similar stories. Maybe not as extreme as this one, but many struggle with the demands and challenges of choosing construction as their profession. Significant efforts are being made to address this issue, in hopes of slowing or reversing the troubling trends affecting so many of our colleagues.
Let’s talk numbers for a moment to put things in perspective. In the U.S., you are 2.5 times more likely to die by suicide than at the hands of someone else. Almost 48,000 people die by suicide each year, compared to 39,000 deaths from car accidents and 20,000 from homicide. These numbers apply to the general population.
Now, consider the construction industry. Approximately 8 million people are employed in some capacity in this field. The suicide rate among construction workers is 53.3 per 100,000—meaning more than 4,200 people in our industry die by suicide each year. That rate is four times higher than the national average and five times greater than all other construction-related fatalities combined.
Of course, not all mental health struggles result in suicide or suicide attempts. Many go unchecked or lead to other challenges that further complicate matters. People dealing with mental health issues often experience anxiety and depression, struggle with substance abuse, or have suicidal thoughts. These difficulties are frequently caused by long work hours, extended time away from home, job insecurity, physical demands, heavy workloads, frequent project changes, and limited social support. Many also struggle with the isolation that comes from separation from family, boredom during downtime, and the constant stress of an unpredictable work environment.
When these pressures begin to take a toll, there are warning signs we should all be aware of. Decreased productivity, arriving late or leaving early, and increased conflict with coworkers may indicate someone is struggling. Isolation, withdrawal from others, and engaging in risky behavior are also common indicators of mental health concerns. Those experiencing difficulties may have trouble concentrating, appear absent-minded, or display extreme mood swings. In many cases, excessive alcohol or drug use accompanies these struggles as a coping mechanism.
At BCI, we are fortunate that our insurance program includes access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at no cost to employees. Counseling services are available to us confidentially and at no expense. Not every company offers this kind of support, which is why it’s crucial that we communicate, recognize struggles in one another, and help our coworkers whenever we can.
There is certainly a stigma associated with asking for help. Broadly speaking, men often don’t like to admit they need or want assistance. We have to change that. We must be willing to talk about mental health, acknowledge it as a real issue that requires attention, and find resources to support one another during difficult times.
We make it a priority to address this problem. We talked about the crisis in our industry frequently. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline became our mantra, and we now wear 988 stickers on our hard hats and T-shirts, prompting conversations and helping to normalize discussions about mental health. The more we talk about it, the easier it becomes, and the less uncomfortable it is to ask for help when someone needs it.
At one of our major job sites, we held a mass safety meeting for every subcontractor employee—about 50 or 60 people attended. We spoke openly about these issues and shared resources, including the 988 Crisis Line and employer-based EAP programs. At the end of the meeting, one worker raised his hand and told us he wished this conversation had happened just a few weeks earlier. He shared that he had been struggling to keep his business afloat, was going through a painful divorce, and was living far away from his children. He then revealed that, just a short time before, he had spent part of a Saturday morning sitting in his backyard with a gun in his mouth, trying to summon the courage to pull the trigger.
We cannot afford to wait to have these conversations. Whether in groups, companies, or one-on-one with a trusted friend, we must speak up—boldly and with the belief that we can and will make a difference. Together, we can change the math on this issue for the better, one person at a time.
We, at Beckenhauer Construction, are committed to our employees mental health. If you or someone you know needs help, please call or text the
suicide prevention hotline at 988.
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