
1912 Norfolk YMCA, Norfolk NE

1920's Brunswick School, Brunswick NE

1938 Ogallala Post Office, Ogallala NE

1940 Norfolk City Auditorium, Norfolk NE

Antelope County Hospital, Neligh NE
Highlights of the work we have done around Norfolk
Hermann Boeckenhauer and his sons led a group of German settlers on their trek from Ontario, Canada, to Nebraska and first settled in Cuming County. The large families settled the area and developed farms to become the largest, far and wide. But William, Hermann’s youngest son, did not want to be a farmer. Since his first visit to Wakefield, he had admired the stone houses that were built from burnt bricks. After his wedding to Mary Litke, the 26-year- old man founded his own business on March 11, 1878, and Beckenhauer Construction was born.
Williams first commissions were businesses, banks, courthouses and schools. He always traveled with his family to the place where the next building was to be erected. From the children’s places of birth, one can realize that William had been putting up buildings throughout Northeast Nebraska: 1883 Wayne, 1885 Wakefield, 1891 Wayne and 1900 Randolph. Finally in 1909, the family moved permanently to Norfolk. Three of his sons, Rutherford, Otto and Harry learned bricklaying with him. Rutherford was the first to enter the firm as a partner. After his premature death, Otto replaced him. When his father died in 1924, Harry became the second partner and the company continued under the name of Beckenhauer Brothers.
When Otto and Harry retired, Otto’s son, Lowell, continued the business for some years alone. In the footprints of his great-grandfather and grandfather, Lowell Jr. (Buster) followed. Today, representing the fifth generation, his children – Bill, Erin and Joe - are at his side.
Over 140 years we have seen a lot of changes in construction projects. Back in the horse and buggy days, the family used to move with each project and stay until it was completed. Even 10 miles was too far to travel on a daily basis. Today, we routinely work on projects that are over 100 miles away and don’t even think twice about driving there. Technology and advanced construction processes have allowed us to take on more projects with less people and manage them better, resulting in a well-done project. Over the years, one thing has stayed the same: Our commitment to hold to the standards of quality reliability, integrity, safety and honesty to provide unparalleled service to our clients.
Since 1878…Our quality stands the test of time.